Newsletter submissions

Guidance to authors and submission procedure

Effective: November, 2022

If you have any questions regarding the requirements below, please email your questions to with subject 'Newsletter question'.

The newsletters are primarily for members of the Friends and are provided online and by email, but printed copies are also made available to members and all visitors to the Garden free of charge.

The latest newsletters can be found online here.

Next submission

The next newsletter, for Easter 2023, will be released 3rd April.
Submission deadline 15th February 2023.

Guidance to authors


  • The Friends’ newsletter is presented in A5 format
  • Articles have no page limit, but generally 4 pages of text and 1 page of images/figures are considered typical (about 1500 words)
  • Article text and images/figures must be prepared as separate files - see submission procedure for suitable formats

  • Use 12pt Arial font and single line spacing
  • Use newlines for spacing paragraphs
  • Do not use superscripts or subscripts (see below for references)
  • Bullets may be used
  • Do not use colour, try using italic or bold as appropriate 


  • Images/figures should be referenced within the text as ‘(Image x)’ or ‘(figure x)’.
  • Image/figure captions must be listed at the end of the article text and be in the form: ‘Image/Figure x: description’.
(The graphic designer will develop the final layout of an article.)


  • References to other material should be listed directly after the section for image/figure annotations and be in the form: ‘[Number] reference’.
  • References within the article text should be given as [Number].

Submission procedure

Submissions must be initiated by sending an email to:

The author must use an email address which will be used for future communication regarding the article. The author’s email should include:

  • Author name(s) to be used against the article in the newsletter
  • Title of the article: main title, and sub-title if appropriate
  • Approximate length of article as judged by the author (given the guidelines)

A confirmation will be provided, which will include a link to an online folder to which the manuscript and supporting images/figures can be uploaded, and through which all further versions of the article will be accessible by both submitting author and newsletter editors.

Authors must upload the manuscript and any supporting images/figures as separate files. The manuscript must be submitted as either Microsoft Word or PDF - text only.
Images must be submitted as JPEG, capable of being printed to a resolution of 300dpi. (The graphic designer will verify this is the case and ask for resubmissions if necessary).


A modest fee may be payable under certain circumstances. Please get in touch using the email contact above.