Thursday, 29 June 2017

Friends' Anthology Project, 2nd Focus Day

The second focus day for the Friends' Anthology project will take place on 19th August. This project offers local writers, poets, artists and photographers a unique opportunity to showcase their work by submitting it for inclusion in an anthology scheduled to appear in the spring of 2019. Further details can be found at the Project web site.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Friends visit to the Garden of Remembrance at RM Condor Sunday 25th June.

The globe at the centre of the garden - and the Unit's badge.

8.5 tonnes of granite from Aberdeenshire for the memorial.

All of the 6000 plants in the Garden have to be in the Unit's colours of red, yellow and blue.

4.5 tonnes of rock from the Falklands - shipped back to the UK.

The clover is left deliberately for the bees.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Plant of the Month June 2017

Echium pininana
Family: Boraginaceae
Origin: Canary Islands
Accession: 2016
Location: By MacroMicro Studio

E. pininana is a rosette-forming biennial or short-lived perennial with lance-shaped, roughly silver-hairy leaves to 7cm long. Each rosette produces a flower panicle up to 4m long of funnel-shaped blue flowers with large bracts in summer. It needs full sun in a sheltered position and protection from winter frosts. In its native habitat in La Palma it is now endangered through habitat loss.