Friday, 9 September 2016

Explore the wonders and beauty of the rare native alpine plants of Angus at this free University of Dundee Botanic Garden event.
A varied collection of photographs and art pieces of these plants, currently facing survival problems due to factors such as overgrazing and changing tidal conditions, will be displayed and the exhibition will celebrate their magnificence and uniqueness.
The event and exhibition is part of a three-year project run by the University of Dundee Botanic Garden that aims to conserve many of these species as part of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.
You can also enjoy guided walks from the Angus Glens to the Sea and meet the great Dundonian botanist William Gardiner.
Free guides and refreshments will also be provided.
The event will take place on Wednesday 14th September from 4.30pm until 6.30pm.  Entry is free but please note – tickets must be booked for this event before the 13 September 2016.
Book your ticket via Eventbrite or telephone Neil Paterson on 07931 767089

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Plant of the month September 2016

Monarda didyma (Bee balm, Wild bergamot)
Family: Lamiaceae
Origin: N America
Location: Beside pond

A herbaceous perennial native to eastern N America, forming a clump of erect stems up to 1m tall, with aromatic, lance-shaped leaves and showy 2-lipped red or pink flowers 3-4cm in length in dense terminal whorls. The flowers are visited by long-tongued bumblebees - short-tongued bumblebees need to make holes at the base of the flowers to obtain nectar, and these holes may also be used by honeybees. Bee balm was used as a medicinal plant by Native Americans, who recognized its strong antiseptic action, and it is the natural source of the antiseptic thymol, the primary active ingredient in modern commercial mouthwash formulas. The genus is named after Nicolas Monardes, who described the first American flora in 1569.