Friday, 26 June 2015

We had company in the workplace at the Garden yesterday: part of Dr Chris Connolly's research on the  impact of environmental toxins on insect health - counting bumble bees and measuring the impact of insecticides on the colonies.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Planting a second row of lavender in the new herb garden in a very  straight line

All laid out and ready to go

Hard at work planting

Watering them in  on a very hot day

Monday, 8 June 2015

The Friends had a stall at WestFest on Sunday 7th June and raised another £112 by selling plants. The gazebo stayed up in spite of the wind!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

New kid on the blocks at the Garden - whatever next!

Next time you are in he may be in his final position, wherever that will be. Meantime, he is near the dry stone walls.