Saturday, 23 August 2014


The Minutes for the second of the July meetings are now posted. 

Friday, 22 August 2014

Advance notice - Propagation workshop in the Garden

Sunday 28 September. Propagation workshop led by Clare Reaney, Horticultural Technician at the Garden. The workshop will be held in the glasshouse in the Garden (meet at Reception in the main building) from 2-4pm and take the format of a “walk and talk” in the garden to discuss suitable plants for autumn propagation, followed by a practical session. Cost free to members of the Friends; non-members £5. Wear suitable clothing and bring your own secateurs and gloves. Numbers are limited to 15 so booking essential. Please book by Thursday 18 September - email Alison Gordon or telephone 01382 350990.

Please share this with friends and family if you think they would be interested.

Friday, 8 August 2014

August's flower

Eucryphia glutinosa (Guindo Santo)

Family: Cunoniaceae: Origin: Chile: Accession: 1978
find it opposite the Education Centre