Saturday, 28 June 2014

Endowment Trust

The Dundee Botanic Gardens Endowment Trust and ShortbreadStories is hosting a day-long writing course entitled 'The Nature of Narrative' set in the beautiful Dundee Botanic Garden.
This course is for the beginning writer, professional novelist, or curious enthusiast. Using a combination of lecture, writing exercises, group interaction, and free writing-time, this class will explore how natural surroundings can inspire language, setting, character and plot. The class will be taught by Rachel Marsh, ShortbreadStories Chief Executive Trustee and creative writing tutor (

This class is a fundraising event, with half the class fees being donated to the Dundee Botanic Gardens Endowment Trust and the other half donated to the educational writing charity, ShortbreadStories.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Great Day on the Green!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Hooray - the solar panels are installed on the Macro Micro Building in the Garden!

Sunday, 1 June 2014


The Minutes of April's committee meeting are now published.