Wednesday, 31 July 2013


PLANTS & GEOGRAPHY: talks and drinks reception. 

Friday August 16th 2013 at 2.30 pm
Botanic Garden Education Centre

  • Neil Paterson (Botanic Garden) “Biogeography: Darwin, Wallace, Evolution and the Dundee Botanic Garden”
  • Mark Cutler (Geography)Dr Mark Cutler is Head of Geography and has a special interest in remote sensing of lakes and tropical forests
  • John Rowan (Geography):John Rowan is Professor of Physical Geography and researches into the sensitivity and resilience of environments to change
This event is free but places are limited so please book. Telephone 01382 381190

Thursday, 25 July 2013


The Minutes of the June meeting are now available.


Dundee Green Party 

are hosting a talk by 
Dr Neil Burford, Senior Lecturer in Department of Education at Dundee University, 
about the new Macro-micro building in the Garden, as part of their AGM, 
on Monday September 9th at 7pm.

It will be in the Education Centre in the Garden and the Greens are inviting Friends of the Garden to join them.

As space is limited please e-mail if you plan to come - Thanks

Friday, 12 July 2013

As a volunteer in the garden it's very rewarding to see the results of your work - especially when the seedlings were as tiny as these

These seedlings were pricked out 2 weeks ago, and were almost too small to handle. The seeds were collected in Australia by the Curator last year, so even more pressure to get them to grow!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

July's Plant

Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. niphophila (Snow Gum)
Family: Myrtaceae                Origin: SE Australia        Accession: 1985
Location: Australasian plants

Friends' outing 30 June

Some members of the Friends visited the beautiful garden at Garden Cottage, Dunnichen on 30 June

Examining the seedheads of cardiocrinum