Thursday, 16 May 2013

Can we do better?

The plant sale raised £800 so can we do even better in June? 
The Friends will be taking part in the 
WestFest Big Sunday, 9th June, 
selling plants 
from 1 - 4 pm.on Magdalen Green 

If you can support the Friends by offering plants for sale please bring them along to the Green after 11.30 am that morning.  

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Thank you

to all those of you who supported the Friends' Plant Sale, Despite the showers we sold a record number of plants, enjoyed some fascinating conversations, and made a healthy contribution towards funding for the Garden. 

If you missed the sale this time don't despair. We'll be selling more plants on 
Magdalen Green during WestFest's Big Sunday on 9th June. 


Perfect weather for planting!

Choose a challenge or indulge in the exotic!
Sale of plants TODAY from 12.0 - 3.0 

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Plant of the month


Trillium grandiflorum (American wake-robin)

find it in the American section 

Family: Melanthiaceae    Origin: Eastern North America

Trillium are herbaceous perennials with erect stems bearing a whorl of ovate or diamond-shaped leaves, with one or more erect or nodding flowers borne at the tip in spring. T. grandiflorum is a vigorous perennial forming a large clump of erect stems each carrying a whorl of three broadly ovate leaves and a solitary terminal flower to 10cm across, with three recurved white petals.